Sich mit einem Klassiker der Literatur auseinanderzusetzen lohnt sich eigentlich immer. Das hat auch die 4B bei der Lektüre von Mary Shelley’s „Frankenstein“ festgestellt.
Im Rahmen der Englisch-Schularbeit haben die Schüler:innen der berühmten Geschichte dann ihren eigenen twist verpasst – diesmal mit happy end! Hier zwei lesenswerte Beispiele von Melis und Georg aus der 4B:
The demons we create
by Melis Karauguz
After lots of thinking I finally decided to use the gift that was given to me and create a living being. I was working very hard to achieve my goal. I wanted this to work so much, there was nothing I wanted more in my life. There were people who doubted me, but deep down in my heart I knew I would succeed.
It was a cloudy evening when I believed I was done with my work. The creature I had created was rather small. It had brown hair and a peachy skin colour. It opened its eyes for the first time and looked at me lovingly.
Words were not enough to describe my feelings. I wanted to laugh and I wanted to cry tears of joy.
It was at that moment that I realized: I hadn’t just created a creature, I had created family. We were just looking at each other, smiling. It had taken me months of sleepless nights and many experiments with human limbs, but I knew it had all been worth it.
The Not-Monster
by Georg Wilfling
It was a bright sunny morning when I finally finished the work I had been doing for more than two hours. I was frightened by the thing I saw. I hadn´t worked very hard, but now I see that I had failed.
I tried to create an ugly tall man who kills everything in his way, but now I saw my dreams crushed. The moment I gave life to the creature realised that I had created a sweet little dog. The dog immediately tried to jump up my leg and wanted me to hug it. At first, I didn´t know what to do, but then I just gave the creature normal dog food and it was fine.
I tested my creation many times, but couldn´t find any anomalous properties. The result was always the same: It was just a normal dog. At first, I wanted to destroy it, but I couldn´t. It was too sweet. After I had thought through everything I could possibly do, I decided to adopt it and named it Cookie.
Even if it wasn´t the thing I had tried to create, I eventually ended up very happy with Cookie and I never tried to create a monster again.